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JEDI: Marketing Team Edition

Publish Date: July 8th, 2024

It’s no secret that there’s immense inequality in the systems all around us. From environmental concerns to social imbalances, we’re living in an incredibly powerful moment. One that is, admittedly, hard to navigate.

At Namaste Solar, we’re working to build out a robust toolbox to help us create a better world and help us navigate challenges. Sometimes those tools are external things like solar but other times, the tools in our toolboxes are things like emotional coping, social awareness, and JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) work.

Our JEDI work is focused on building a more equitable cooperative at Namaste Solar. We’ve touched on this work before with this blog in 2021 and this one in 2023.

Since those blogs, we’ve built out a robust JEDI library that’s available to Namaste Solar employees and the public. It’s full of resources on a variety of topics, and our hope is that anyone can find something to fit wherever they are on their JEDI journey.

In this blog, we’ll share some selections from that library.

JEDI Picks: Marketing Team Edition

Recently, we caught up with the marketing team to hear from each member about what JEDI means to them and got a hand selection from the library from each member.

Dave Rizzotto, Director of Marketing and Co-Owner

“This is a TEDx talk I recently watched. It highlights a theme that’s been present in many of the materials I’ve been consuming. One of the takeaways is that relying on those in down-powered or marginalized positions to do the teaching is an unfair burden and expectation. The presenter emphasizes that those in more privileged positions need to take on more accountability in their own learning - to step out of their comfort zone to engage in new and challenging conversations and come from a place of curiosity.

To aid in this work, our dedicated JEDI Circle members curate a tremendous amount of content (as seen on our library) and facilitate learning sessions, thought-provoking exercises, and role-playing, where my assumptions are tested. I’ve gained a lot of self-awareness during these, as well as broader historical understandings that were certainly not taught in school. And, time and time again, a takeaway is that this is a journey and there is so much more to learn.”

  • What JEDI Means to Him:

“From my first day at Namaste Solar, it was evident that our core values aren’t the stand-issue corporate lip service that collect dust after an obligatory mention during orientation. Here, they are referenced every day and guide decision-making, big and small. One in particular, “Come As You Are”, encourages us to be vulnerable and be ourselves. This value, inspired by our JEDI work, makes our cooperative stronger.”

Jenna Stadsvold, Brand Manager and Co-Owner

“The entire Scene on Radio, Seeing White series is incredible, but this specific episode was really impactful for me. This episode discusses the history of race and actually pinpoints the first time “white” was used as a descriptor for people. That is fascinating. More importantly, it helped me see the intentionality behind creating our current system of race, and therefore the intentionality that will be necessary for dismantling that system to create something better.”

  • What JEDI Means to Her:

“I see it as an opportunity to learn and grow as a person and do better in all areas of my life. My JEDI journey has helped me immensely in ways I never anticipated. In addition to helping me understand my unconscious biases, JEDI has helped me work on my perfectionism, learn how to properly apologize when I make a mistake at home or at work, how to understand power dynamics, etc. I’m very grateful that Namaste Solar has been a place that encourages these conversations and holds space for people to explore JEDI.”

Jessica (JJ) Easter, Digital Marketing Strategist

“I highly recommend this podcast about the intersection of the patriarchy and white supremacy. They are two sides of the same coin - there is no dismantling one without dismantling the other! It also describes different movements throughout history to overcome them.”

  • What JEDI Means to Her:

“JEDI efforts in the workplace undeniably create a better environment for both employees and customers.  It’s not easy - often it feels difficult, clunky, and awkward.  Like most things worth doing!”

Andraya Jorgensen, Content Marketing Specialist

“I’ve always struggled with the separateness narrative that permeates our culture. By that I mean the idea that we’re separate beings from each other, the planet, and other beings. I see our interconnectedness as our biggest strength. Embracing this is how I see real, transformative change happening.

So, for me, Indigenous wisdom is a gold mine. It’s a treasure trove of thousands of years of observation, analysis, and integration. Our modern science is just a continuation of Indigenous science. Embracing it as such allows us to expand our bank of knowledge in ways that very well could save us.

In this video, I love how Albert tells us how Indigenous knowledge was founded on the same principles of modern, Western science. The way he breaks it down makes it clear that the only difference between the two is our inherited biases.

The work becomes about breaking down our biases rather than questioning whether Indigenous knowledge has validity or anything to add. It is valid and has an incredible amount to add, if only we’d let it.”

  • What JEDI Means to Her:

“As the newest member of the marketing team, my journey with Namaste Solar is just beginning. But what I’ve already experienced here is a workplace that values the natural diversity in opinions, beliefs, and perspectives. I feel safe to express things how I see them, and it has led to constructive dialogue every single time. In a broader sense, I feel that there’s no environmental justice without social justice. And the work of JEDI is never perfect but every step gets us closer to the world that our hearts know is possible.”

We encourage you to visit our JEDI library to find a resource that speaks to you, challenges you, or adds to your JEDI journey.

JEDI at Namaste Solar

As an organization, JEDI work is integral to what we do and how we do it as a business. We hold monthly, company wide meetings on JEDI topics. And we bring up JEDI to every new hire, starting on day one in orientation.

We’re aware that there’s always room to grow, and that’s part of why we continue to share our journey with you. We have had our ups and downs and know we’ll continue to face many challenges as a cooperative. As we build our capacity in areas of JEDI, we’ll build our capacity to face these challenges.

Thank you for continuing to engage with us on this journey.

You can find our JEDI library here.

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