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Solar Panels & Hail: How Much Hail Can Solar Panels Handle?

Blog Updated: August 2024

With hail as a frequent concern here in Colorado’s Front Range, our customers often ask us how concerned they should be about solar panel hail damage and if their new solar energy system will hold up against extreme weather over its 25-plus year lifespan.

Today’s solar panels are designed to withstand even the harshest of outdoor elements. Whether you are considering a rooftop system for your home or a roof or ground-mounted solar array for your commercial property, you can rest assured that your solar PV system will continue to convert clean, renewable solar energy into electricity for decades.

Solar Panel Resilience Against Extreme Weather Conditions

The solar industry’s top solar panel manufacturers have long understood the need for solar panels that can withstand extreme weather conditions like high winds and hail. In fact, most manufacturers test and certify their solar panels to withstand hail up to one inch in diameter falling at 50 miles per hour.

Today’s solar panels are also extremely resilient against high winds and heavy rain. Most solar panels are certified to withstand hurricane force winds. In addition, the aluminum and glass casings that hold a solar panel’s solar cells are highly waterproof, even during extreme rain.


Hail testing on panels at one of REC's testing facilities  

How 3,000 Solar Panels Measured Up Against a Massive Hail Storm

The National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) in Golden, Colorado, can attest to the resilience of solar panels against extreme weather. NREL is home to an enormous solar energy system consisting of 3,168 rooftop- and ground-mounted solar panels. In 2017, a severe hail storm hit the greater Denver area and the NREL campus.

Despite hailstones up to 2.75 inches in diameter being reported in the area — and the countless cars and windows that were damaged — only one of the facility’s 3,168 solar panels sustained damage. That’s a major testament to the resilience of solar panel systems.

We're Here if You Need Us

Namaste Solar's team of service professionals is here to make sure your system is running smoothly for it's full lifetime. In the event that your system does have solar panel hail damage, the service and replacement costs are typically covered by your homeowner's insurance. We'll work with you to schedule a service visit so we can get your system on and producing as soon as possible.

Our team also offers proactive maintenance service to provide system inspections, performance reporting, and remote monitoring upon request. Customers have access to their own monitoring system, so you are able to watch your solar panel system as it produces clean energy from the sun.

Ensure a Long Life for Your System with Expert Installation

Though today’s solar products are built to withstand the extreme weather conditions that can affect the Denver and Boulder areas, you need expert system installation from an experienced contractor if you want to ensure a long life for your solar energy system.

Solar panels can be impacted and damaged by extreme weather events if the system isn't designed or installed properly, regardless of the solar panel's engineering. So, going with a reputable, high-integrity installer, like Namaste Solar, is a way that you can protect your solar investment.

Having installed thousands of solar energy systems here in Colorado since 2005, Namaste Solar can help you achieve years of solar benefits like lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint. Because of our superior workmanship and high quality of materials used, you can expect decades of clean electricity and solar savings from your solar PV system. To speak to one of our non-commissioned salespeople, click the button below. They'll help you figure out if solar is right for you without the sales pitch. 

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